Cheng Jin Xiang: MVP 2023 Malaysia Esports Awards

Cheng Jin Xiang: MVP 2023 Malaysia Esports Awards

Cheng Jin Xiang, better known as NothingToSay, won the Most Valuable Player (MVP) award at the 2023 Malaysia Esports Awards on January 28. It was an amazing win that the whole esports world saw. I can’t wait to hear more about this amazing accomplishment!

Cheng Jin Xiang: Three wins for NothingToSay

NothingToSay not only won the prized MVP award, but he also won two other important awards at the event. He won the MOBA Player of the Year award and the Male Player of the Year award. The 24-year-old has made great contributions to the world of e-sports, as shown by these awards.

Cheng Jin Xiang: A Rising Star’s Journey: The Professional Debut of NothingToSay

NothingToSay started playing professional Dota 2 at the ROG Masters 2017 in Kuala Lumpur, when he was only 17. He has been moving up the ranks and making his mark on the e-sports scene ever since.

Cheng Jin Xiang: A message of choice from NothingToSay

At the award event, NothingToSay sent a heartfelt message on a screen that said he wanted to be the best in the world. “I will do my best to be the best in the world.” Malaysia, go! “Thank you!” he yelled. The dedicated player was busy playing in Shanghai, China, so he couldn’t make it to the ceremony in person.

Cheng Jin Xiang: Lifetime Achievement Award to Honour a Legend

Agusalim Amran, also known as Hahagus, give the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award after he had died. Hahagus recognised for his important services to the esports community. He managed the 2019 SEA Games team in the PUBG Mobile event. Even though he died in 2021, his influence is still remembered.

Different Winners in Other Groups

Besides the top awards, there were also awards for people who have made important contributions to the esports business. The Team of the Year award went to Yoodo Alliance, and the Organisation of the Year award went to HomeBois. Ramona won the award for Female Player of the Year.

Honouring Excellence in E-Sports

The 2023 Malaysia Esports Awards were put together by Alive Asia Events Sdn Bhd and Esports Integrated (ESI), with help from the Youth and Sports Ministry. They were meant to recognise people and groups that have changed the face of esports in Malaysia. The event showed how the esports business in the country is alive and growing.

Finally, NothingToSay’s triple win and the honouring of stars like Hahagus are important events in the history of Malaysian esports. The event celebrated both the successes of the present and the bright prospects for e-sports in the United States. COINQQSLOT, go!